Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This is worth two posts in one day. I watched it twice. It's too great.

More wedding

Ok just a few more wedding pictures and then I'll move on. I've been back in LR for two days now and it still feels weird to be here. Strange how 9 days in your hometown can make you feel weird in your new home.

Kind of hard to see, but this is the very very funny choreographed father-daughter dance.

Cutting the cake. I love how worried Christine looks.

The Baylor Bear groom's cake. And yes Christine is making a bear paw, I bet you feel scared of that ferocious paw now don't you?

Man I miss this girl. Abbie trying not to get food on her bridesmaid dress and making us all laugh.

Can't believe they've been married almost 4 years! Megan and Brandon, some of my married besties from college.

And I had to put this picture in because it took like 6 tries to get it right. But at least it looks really really good. Love Kortni's dress too!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Going to the Chapel

The wedding was great! So many Baylor people and Alpha Chis there. I'm pretty sure the rest of the guests thought we were nuts when we sang Christine the Alpha Chi sweetheart song and then we went into the fight song, but I guess you have to be one to understand. My favorite part was when Christine and her Dad did a choregraphed dance for their father-daughter dance. Only Christine and Leroy would do that! I don't have too many pics because I am horrible about remembering to get out the camera. The ones that I have I stole from other guests off facebook. Will post more as the picture takers post theirs and I can steal them!

Highland Park United Methodist Church, where the ceremony took place. It looks like a castle!

The Sanctuary at the church. So pretty.

Hotel Joule where the reception took place. Very cool and swanky.

The bride and groom. He's showing her who to throw her bouquet to, hope that girl wants it!

Christine rapping 'Baby got Back.' It did not take much trying to get her up there.

All the Alpha Chi Omega's who attended the wedding. There were TONS of us, it was a reunion! (I'm in the navy dress next to the bride)

Friday, April 24, 2009


So I've been a little MIA since I'm on vacation this week. I've been running all over Big D trying to fill my shopping addiction that I just can't sate in LR. The run-down of my week so far

Sunday: Spent whole day at the lakehouse with my Dad and little sister. That is my happy place, when I have time I will have to dedicate a whole post to the place that I think of in my mind when I want to "run away from it all."

Monday: Spent more time with my Dad at the lake. Drove back to Dallas. Had dinner with Grandma and helped her shop for 44 cent greeting cards at Wal Mart, we now have cards for the entire family for the rest of the year (when you live in another state from your family this is what you do on vacation)

Tuesday: Lunch at Snuffers (yum!) and then off to Ikea. This is stop I try to never miss when I come home. Happy hour and more with my bestie from high school Emily. Way too much craziness to admit to the internet world, but I'm pretty sure the dance party at 3:00am in her parking garage was the high point.

Wednesday: Recovery from Tuesday's happy hour sake bombs. Went to Barnes and Noble, bought the last 2 books in the Twilight series and this awesome cookbook that I love. Dinner with Grandma and Aunt Gail. Heard stories about my mom and aunt growing up in Canada which were hilarious. Rented season one of the Tudors and my mom and I watched it into the wee hours of the morning. That show is ridiculously good.

Thursday: SHOPPING!! Went to my mecca, Northpark mall. Got a sweater at Club Monaco, three dresses at Banana Republic, another sweater at J.Crew, makeup at Sephora, two shirts at Forever 21, a Texas charm necklace at James Avery (I love my state!) and to finish it off I dropped in to visit Emily at Neimans and got the Tory Burch flip flops that I've been coveting. Whew! Dinner with Dad at his favorite restaurant Campisi's. More Tudors with Mom.

Friday: Slept in, all that Tudors watching late into the night and family visiting was taking a toll on me. Found out the plumbing was backed up (tree roots are hell on pipes in old houses like my Mom's) so no showering for me. Good thing I bought dry hair shampoo at Sephora on Thurs. Lunch and then went to get a wedding gift for tomorrow. Finished season one of the Tudors while waiting for the plumber to arrive. Man I need to see season two soon. That show is amazing.

Tomorrow is the wedding that I came in town for in the first place. I am pretty excited to see my college friends that I haven't seen in a while. Will update with pics when I return to Arkansas on Sunday, or maybe Monday lets not get over ambitious here.

Adios amigos

Monday, April 20, 2009

Vacation Day 1

Saturday was the first official day of my vacation and my aunt Nancy, my cousin Vanessa, and I took my sister to the American Girl Bistro at the Galleria mall here in Dallas. I think it was more of a reason for us to go since my sister is a tomboy and not too interested in dolls. Vanessa brought her Kirsten doll and I brought my Samantha doll from back in the day when there were not any American Girl stores only the catalog. They looked a little worse for the wear since mine has been packed in a box for years and hers has been played with by two little boys, but at least we made the effort. They even have little chairs that attach to the table for the dolls to sit in and it was totally worth it to see the looks the hostess gave us when we told her we were the ones that had the dolls. After lunch we browsed the shop and nothing seemed to interest my sister except for a little dog doll. The dog looks exactly like Eddie so I had to get it for her. All in all it was a fun outing, although I think we may have liked it more than my sister. I guess I'll always be a girly girl.

Our dolls in their little chairs that hooked onto the table.

The little dog that looks just like Eddie. Her name is Coconut, which is a really cute name for a dog. Maybe Eddie needs a sister.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Holy shiz this movie looks like the best one yet! I can't wait till July for this, and yes you can call me a dork. Nerds are chic now anyways.

1st official day of vacay! Taking my sister to the American Girl Bistro with my aunt and cousin. I even found my old American Girl doll Samantha to bring along for the trip. My cousin is bringing her Kirsten doll. It should be a good ole' time. Going to the lakehouse with my sister and Dad after that. No internet there so will have to wait to post pictures of our outing until I return to civilization. Enjoy the weekend!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Found the most hilarious website. Meet Pocket Edward, the plastic, tiny, pocket sized version of Edward from the Twilight books...http://pocketedward.tumblr.com/. Today at work we laughed until we cried at this website. Below a picture from my favorite post, I don't even know where you would find a mini-cubicle but this is just great! I think you have to love Twilight to get this, but we all do so no problem there!
Busy, busy week for me...Andrea/Whitney's birthday celebration tomorrow night, JL Thursday night, driving to Dallas Friday and will be there for 9 days(this may be my longest trip yet)! Hope I can get an Arkansas license plate before then (how long does it take to get one of those anyways?) my Texas stuff is expired and after the devastatingly expensive tires I had to buy last weekend a ticket is just not in the cards for me. Wish me luck.

Friday, April 10, 2009


So I've always secretly kind of wished I was one of those people who dressed sort of edgier. You know those people who have on a leather cuff, eight bracelets, and some braided thing they got at a music festival on their wrist and it looks cool rather than like they have a lot of stuff on. I would look like I had a lot of stuff on my short short arm. Or those people who's hair is long and they have all these clothes on, but they look layered and like they could go on tour with the latest cool indie band that is currently playing on their iPod. My hair would look stringy and I would look like the frump-master mother of that cool indie band in all those layers. These people wear shirts they found in vintage shops that have cool sayings on them. Because of that these shirts have now popped up all over the place and they are not so vintagey anymore. Perfect for me and my lack of edge! So this is how I'm going to integrate my version of that into my Saturday jeans/shorts wardrobe because sorority t-shirts (which have very great sayings on them) just look silly at my age and polo shirts make me feel like I should be picking up the (non-existant) kids from soccer in 30 minutes The options I am considering are below. Now my only issue, does any of this match with Lily Pulitzer? Ha ha, just kidding!

My favorite saying in college (and lets be real here, sometimes now) although I think this shirt can't be considered for the same reason that sorority function shirts can't be included.

I love polar bears. But I'm pretty sure this shirt has some kind of political message and because of the above mentioned lack of edginess I'm not sure I could pull this off.

Because honestly who doesn't?

A lot of what I do at work centers around spreadsheets and I have to admit, they are pretty mad. Yo!

This shirt is just too funny and too great. I'm for sure going to have to get this one.

PS I've been hearing a lot about blip fm some music site. I'm sadly disconnected from "cool" music here so I'll give it a try and see if I can extend the current songs in my head past Britney Spears and the Pussycat Dolls.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I Heart Pottery Barn

So when my Dad came to visit he made me go to the mall so he could use my employee discount to get new jeans. Boooooring (and also a bit against employee discount policy shhhh don't tell). So to get him back for that one when he asked me if there were any errands I needed to run I said "Well there are a few things a pottery barn that I want to pick up." This wasn't totally untrue I had been coveting these mini fake lemon trees for my dining room table. But as I was browsing making my way into the back of the store the heavens opened up and a ray of light shined down on this rug that was just meant to be mine. After some fancy talking (please Dad! it is 100% wool and hand tufted), a trip home to make sure 5x8 was the size I needed, and a little bit more fancy talking (the other rug I wanted was over $2000, this is a steal in comparison) the rug was mine!! It looks so great and Eddie definetly appreciates that he can glare at me in comfort when I refuse to let him sit on the couch with me. I even got the fake lemon trees too (Dad wouldn't go so far to pay for those though). And the best part, my Dad agreed that it was just what my living room needed. Now how can I convince him to buy me that chair next time he comes?

The mini lemon trees that lead to my fabulous find.

The rug in all its glory. Not the best shot, but a photog I am not. Now a good shopper oh yes I am one of those.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

This video is about something that has been near and dear to my heart since college when I worked with the Family Abuse Center in my college town. Until recently this issue hasn't gotten a lot of attention, so I hope this will bring it even more into the spotlight.