Saturday, February 27, 2010

At Last!!

So I've been STALKING this bedding from Pottery Barn for what feels like forever, I knew it was perfect for my guest bedroom. I honestly think it has been a year since it first appeared on the cover of the catalog. But those sneaky Pottery Barn buyers (being one I know the tactics we use to make you want to buy our products) wouldn't put it on sale. I know, I've been checking. Then, a few weekends ago my stubborness finally paid off and I hit pay dirt. Every bit of it was on sale. I don't think my heart has ever beat so fast as I waited for that "Sale Confirmed" page to appear (I know I need to get out more.) So the bedding that went on my first "big girl sized" bed (if I only I hadn't had to wait until I was a sophomore in college to have a queen sized bed!) is finally being retired to the linen closet and my guest bed got a makeover (ignore those euro shams, as soon as I can afford decent ones I am returning the original ones I bought, they don't even fill out the pillow case, ridiculous!) Now I just have to finish the rest of the room...

So I always go to this blog for the cutest stationary downloads around. One of them was little princesses and she had posted the video from the 1995 movie A Little Princess. Can I tell you how much I adored this movie into way past the time I should have been watching it. Who am I kidding, I still adore this movie. I'm pretty sure after this post I'll be hitting up Amazon to buy it since my VHS copy was probably sold off by family members who shall remain nameless after I struck out on my own. I am most definitely getting my sister a copy, every little girl needs to see it. Ahhh such a good movie.

Ok, time for me to go. I am working on my barstool project some more tomorrow. Results will be posted soon, prepare to be amazed!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why don't you have a seat?

So when you first buy a new home you're filled with project-itis. Paint this, replace that, rearrange this, organize that. Then you get burned out (or at least I did, big time). Note to self: next time don't buy a complete fixer upper and give yourself one week to get it right before you move in! So I think I'm finally over the burned out phase and I'm feeling like doing things to my home again.

I really have my Mom to thank for this. After almost 20 years of only changing paint colors in the house I grew up in, she has suddenly been taken over by redo-fever. It started with a new buffet in the breakfast room and a new desk in the "office." That office suddenly needed a new coat of paint. Then it turned into a new bed in the guest room (formerly known as my childhood bedroom). Before long the family room also needed new paint, but not before brand new couch and chairs were ordered and delivered. This has progressed into a new table for the breakfast room and I am just waiting for the phone call that she has repainted that room too. There are more things on her list, but apparently she is taking a break for a moment.

Not to be left out of the furniture frenzy I did a little President's Day Sale shopping and fell in love with a leather chair (which happened to be on floor sample sale and was a MAJOR steal). Since my taste tends to be a bit more feminine, I felt like I needed a leather chair to balance things out a bit. Now this chair doesn't exactly scream "come sit in me with your brandy and cigar," but I guess it is a step farther towards masculine than my couch (which was called pink by the movers, but is really more red for the record).

I think the chair perfectly completes my living room and it looks great next to my (hopefully someday upgraded) "fireplace." Hope ya'll like it and stay tuned because I found the perfect bar stools for $14.99 each and after I am done with them you would never know I didn't get them for a much more expensive price.

Although I do know someone you might have to fight to sit in this chair. It is his new favorite spot.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Valentine For You

I love vintage Valentine's Day cards and since it is snowing again today (huge white fluffly flakes that are not sticking so I'm ok with them) I thought this one was fitting.

And I love this one because what is Valentine's Day without a little cheesiness?

Ok off to spend a single girl's Valentine's Day which means snuggling with my pup and watching the pretty snow. Have great one. XOXO

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cabin Fever

After my treacherous drive home yesterday (imagine people just driving all over the road anywhere they can get through, avoiding cars spinning out and getting stuck) the hint of ice still remaining on the road meant there was no way I was going to work today. I don't think I could be a lady of leisure. After two days of relaxing and napping every afternoon I'm a bit bored. Maybe if I could leave my house...

Here are pics of the snow. Little Rock officially got 7.2 inches of snow. I mean that is get out your shovel snow. Craziness, but pretty too. Enjoy!
Picture I took from my balcony before I left for work. Just "a light dusting" as the weatherman likes to call it.

Tons more snow had fallen while I was trying to get home from a whole 2 hours of being at work.

The lay out chairs, although no one is using them right now.

One of our umbrellas broke. Last year it broke from tornado-ish weather throwing it in the pool. Apparently these things should be stored during inclement weather?

Everytime it ices this tree blocks my front door. Maybe I should request for it to be pruned?

Path to the parking lot. Looks kind of like something from a storybook.

The snow was piled so high on top of the fence.

So that's all. They are saying it will all be melting away tomorrow, so no more lady of leisure for me. Oh well.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Cabinet Knobs in the Wall

Another snow day! Don't think this one will keep me housebound all day (dang it) but for now I cannot make it up the steep hills that are on either side of my road (thanks to the weather people for absolutely no warning about this, I didn't move my car to more a more navigatable parking spot). This means I get to pretend for a little bit that I get to have leisurely mornings like this all the time. I can also share with you all my "cabinet knobs in the wall" project results.

It wasn't easy, I'll tell you that much. I went to Home Depot and not to knock them or anything, but does anyone else feel like they are never helpful. I have never had a project where they have helped me. When I asked the worker there what I should do he gave me the same "they have to go in a board that you attach to the wall" thing my uncle had already told me. When I looked at him and said "Well that's not what I want to do." He said good luck and walked off. Good thing I wasn't dealing with a true home improvement emergency.

Determined to figure it out on my own, I bought some chandelier swagging kits (looked like those had tons of options for anchoring items in them) for $2 each and headed home. I got out my drill and after making some scarily large holes in the wall (for the dry wall anchors, thanks for the idea Amanda!) I secured those knobs right into the wall. Board smoard! Those Home Depot guys need to learn how to think outside of the box! Hope you guys like it as much as I do!
Before: Empty wall space BORING (check out my dinosaur of a TV! I've had that thing since high school and it refuses to die)

After: Now this space doesn't look so boring and empty, and it's useful!

I decided on using only these three, although I bought more. Now I get to plan what to do with the other ones I have left over. Hmmm...

My favorite one is the little bird. He's so cute!

They are right next to my closet door for easy outfit accessorizing,

Ok, back to reality. Guess I should go check out the roads again and attempt to navigate the hill. Hopefully someone has gone before me and already cleared the way. Have a great day everyone!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Winter Blues

I'm to the point now where I am over winter. I'm tired of being pale, wearing sweaters, and deep moisturizing. I'm trying to get myself through these next 6 weeks (how reliable is that groundhog thing anyways?) with visions of what I want to do to my back deck once the weather gets better. This question has been stumping me for the two years I've lived in this house, which is a bit alarming for me cause I always know what I want to do. Then last night HGTV brought the greatness and now I know exactly what I want to do.

Key West inspired back deck, straight from their new show The Outdoor Room with Jamie Durie. It has all the things I love: lush plants, white washing, soft fabrics, and pops of color. Now this is going to take some doing (removing a huge tree that blocks all the sunlight going back there, cutting down some of the giant fence, redoing the water rotted deck included) but at least I have a plan now. Whew I feel much better and I'm going to start planning all the steps as soon as the sun shines for more than one day at a time.

Oh and I am still working on that "knobs in the wall" project as my Dad calls it. I'm actually off to Home Depot now to consult with the experts. Wish me luck!