Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy Sunday

"You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter"... Oh my inner teenage girl is jumping gleefully with joy, a new Taylor Swift song/video is out and this one makes me tear up just a bit, dang country music videos...

And in other news scoot over to Parasol for the August free download (if you love cute stationary this one is for you) Anchors, dots, and stars, yes please!

Ok that's all for now, I have to work on Holiday House stuff. I can't believe it is only two months away. Eeeek! Later

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rainy Saturday

Its stormy today. Perfect day for catching up on the blogverse. Oh and please please please let the rain cool things down. Another day of hot humid weather is just one too many.

In other news, I am one of those people who constantly tears pages out of magazines and catalogs. It doesn't matter who the magazine belongs to doctor's office, nail salon, something someone loaned me if the page has something on it I need to remember its coming with me.

But then what do you do with all these pieces of paper? Well my little habit may have solved the issue for me. Since I came across this adorable bulletin board in one of my "tear sheets" from Lucky magazine. The website Kikkerland Design has so many cute and quirky items for GREAT prices. This bulletin board is only $20 and 2% of the proceeds go to treenation to help plant more trees in the world. Bonus!

Also going to have to buy this little cutie. I've always been obsessed with polar bears and at $5 I can't resist him.

So head on over there today, who knows what you might find.

Oh and my co-blogger also worked very hard on this post, as you can see.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Me Time

Came home to one of my favorite pieces of mail waiting for me... the Pottery Barn catalog. Now this is just the Bed and Bath version, I assume my fall one is on its way to me traveling through mail land. But this one had more than enough to keep my happy. Here are my favs.

Not gonna pay $129 for 3 5x7 frames (sorry PB) but I can find frames with all this detailing and paint and sand them myself for a lot cheaper. Great idea!

Apparently I'm a little obsessed with pillows embroidered with French sayings

{all images from Pottery Barn}

Oh and everyone on my Christmas list is getting those little soaps, so get ready.

Ok, gotta dash off. Rachel Zoe is on and it would be "BANANAS" if I missed an episode. Later

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lucky Dog

Today was a good day for the pup.

Playing with his brand new toy which is cute and makes a chirping sound like a real bird. Any of you who are sick of ugly dog toys (I mean a rubber chicken, really?) head over to Pets Mart they have a new Martha Stuart designed collection and it looks good lying on the floor of your house too, finally!

We also made homemade dog treats. Guess who got to eat the left over dough?

In my next life can I come back as one of my pets? They've got it made.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Black Eyed Peas

AMAZING. I never would hve gone to this show if it hadn't been offered up as a New York market week excursion

I am so glad I went, it is one of my top 5 concerts of all time. Dang can they put on a show. And the concert was actually in New Jersey so I got to fist pump in NJ, just like on the Jersey Shore ;)

Our seats were incredible, so instead of me talking a ton I'll let the pictures show you what we enjoyed. Warning, there are lots of pictures, but come on I had to get all of Fergie's outfits in their gloriousness.
Oh and I really feel like this is the first time my camera really showed me what it can do. I'm impressed with it.

Ok, so blogger is kind of starting to freak out on me, maybe there is a limit to the amount of pictures you can upload. Good thing I was done. Later.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Yankees Game

NY market week was amazing. Lots of work happening, but also some fun.

Tuesday night we went to the Yankees game. We didn't get to see ARod hit his 600th home run (he did that the next day) but it was still pretty fun.

27, for the number of World Series they have won.

All right, that's all I have for now. Stay tuned though, I have pictures from Wednesday night's Black Eyed Peas concert to share with you next time. Later