Sunday, June 28, 2009

My life is complete!

So yesterday my mother calls me to inform me that she has gotten an iPhone. The woman doesn't even know how to text and it was just unacceptable that she have a better phone than me (I know, I know competitive much?). So I dressed in my cutest weekend errand dress and hightailed it over to At&t. After some fancy talking and a little flirting with the poor guy who had to help me I convinced him to let me get my new phone at the discounted price since I only had 2 little months left on my contract. Yay!! This is the COOLEST phone on the planet. I am not sure why anyone would have anything else. I am officially obsessed.

So while removing pics from my old crackberry (its kind of sad to see it go). I found some pretty funny ones. For your viewing pleasure.

The car that we saw one day while going to lunch that one of my friends thought was awesome. This was the pic that appeared whenever she called.

The house that is in the "nicer" area of town, right on a main corner, that is completely covered in Christmas lights every year. It looks like something from a Christmas Vacation movie and it is hilarious.

Eddie when I got him back after he had to go to the after hours animal clinic and spend the night. My poor baby he looks so sad and he hated that thing on his leg.

How I would like my kitchen to look (with better tiles for the backsplash though). Wasn't it nice of Ikea to mock it up for me ha ha?

Ok, so most of the other pics are boring (I had no idea I took so many pictures of Eddie) or inappropriate for web posting :)

I have been a little MIA with the posting lately. I would love to say it will get better this week, but it probably won't cause I'm going to the lake this weekend for the 4th! So excited for lake time with my sister, Dad, Eddie, and all our lake friends. My goal is to get Eddie to ride on the jetski with me. Think I can do it?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm Back!

So I've been a bit busy this week, here's a run down...

Tuesday: Jamie's 30th birthday. We're celebrating all week.

Wednesday: Wine with my girls at the new wine bar Wine by the Glass. Very cute and had some yummy cheese. After that returned home to install my new roman shade from Pottery Barn. I'm pretty impressed with my hanging skills, especially after having wine at the wine bar and then needing more wine to understand the stupid installation instructions.

Thursday: 5th birthday party for everyone's favorite bridal shop Proposals, owned by the lovely mother of a work friend. Helped our engaged friend try on veils and I picked out a $3900 wedding dress. No I'm not getting married anytime soon, I blame it on the Margaritas and apologize in advance to my parents. Then dinner at Lulav with a work vendor my two favorite coworkers. After dinner it was time to curl up in bed all nice and warm with a very full tummy.
Friday: Had to spend some quality time with Eddie. He was getting a little clingy and acting like an orphan puppy. So we had some cuddle time.
Saturday: Stratford Court pool is officially now back open. So I got a little crispy enjoying the sun. Good thing I have my magic after sun lotion that always turns all my pinkish-looking skin to tanish-looking skin. And Eddie and I made a post-pool trip to TCBY, a little white chocolate mousse fro-yo always makes a sunburn better. Woohoo!
Sunday: Okay hasn't officially happened yet, but this one is Father's Day so I'll be putting in the call to dad. I didn't get him anything, he is impossible to shop for, so I may also be making a last minute trip to Home Depot for a gift card. When all else fails, I always hit the Depot.
Ok so that's all for now. Later.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday Things

So at work I am in a "condo" (our cute name for the drab cubicles we work in) with four other ladies and they all know how much I love Texas. So yesterday one of them sent me this video which I think is so hilarious. Hope ya'll like it.

In other news, Pottery Barn likes to torture me with emails about their sales. I think I'm going to be buying this window shade for the french door in my kitchen today. It is only $10 cheaper than usual, but sometimes that is all it takes to get me to buy. At least that will cover the shipping. You like?

Guess I'm not going to the BCBG Friends and Family sale, especially since I'm also getting my hair cut today. Do they demote you from friends and family status if you miss one sale? I sure hope not. Will post pics of the new shade once it arrives and I install it!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Tunes

So I'm a little starved for good tunes here in Arkansas, hence why a Target commmercial is now introducing me to songs I like.

Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta Feeling

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If I was Ricky Bobby this would be my prayer "Dear lord baby jesus, lyin' there in your ghost manger, just lookin' at your Baby Einstein developmental videos, learnin' bout shapes and colors. Please send me a new iPod so I don't have to listen to Arkansas radio anymore. Amen"

I'm working on new songs for ya'll to listen to as you read. Enjoy

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Things I love

Ok so I'm going to admit it, I love the Legally Blonde movies and one was on television yesterday. I think Reese Witherspoon is great in these movies, she has some great comedic chops. So here's a little taste of why I find these movies hilarious.

I'm off to the Chenal country club pool since my condo pool is "closed" for some unknown reason. There is a big red sign on each gate and they say "Closed by Department of Health until further notice." I just know those trashy renters who don't have jobs and are ALWAYS in the pool messed it up. The guy who owns that unit better be getting whatever is wrong with the pool fixed because this is really putting a kink in my summer Saturdays.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Operation Patio

So my cousin came this weekend, and I was a little worried when he told me that this was his first project without his (insanely talented) dad helping. But apparently the talent was passed on because he did a great job!

Before ugly bricks that sloped and were uneven

After, my beautiful pavers (who ever thought I would think concrete is beautiful?) where a little table and chairs can now sit!

Before, an UGLY wooden pallet that the condo complex thought was a good idea to install before I moved in. Yuck!

After, a nice little planter where I can have some flowers!

The whole thing before. BORING

And the whole thing after. DAZZLING!!

And as promised, the full frontal view (he he!) of my "double gallery" house that I promised in my last post I would upload once I had respectable after pictures to show.

Hope ya'll love it as much as I do!