Saturday, October 16, 2010

So this is goodbye...for here

It all started with a knock on my door. It was the AT&T guy offering me the one thing I never knew I couldn't live without: DVR (and for a better price). So I switched right away without a second thought. Until I remembered my email was from my old cable problem right? I'll just make a gmail email and be on my way. Well blogger is gmail related. So now everytime I try to log in its gets all screwy because you can't change the email account related to your blog (or if you can I can't figure it out) . So thirty minutes later, I'm finally logged in an totally over blogging.

Well I've also been considering making the jump to tumblr for a while. It seems a lot easier to blog from and you can blog from your phone, which means maybe I'll post more.

But I'm worried. Tumblr seems a bit hipster for me. As you all have learned, I tend to go on and on. Can I limit my "genius" to a few one liners because everyone's that I read is short on words? And all this reblogging and stuff, I don't know the tumblr rules. I like to post all my little pictures of home remodeling projects, do tumblr hipsters do that? I can't even figure out how to follow all my home decor blogs on tumblr. What if I miss a crucial tutorial on creating the perfect chippy paint look?

Well there is only one way to find out, so follow me on over to tumblr land at and we'll get through this together.

Can't wait to see you all there

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